Work continues on preparing for the International Plowing Match and Expo in Verner in mid-September.

Chair of Marketing Jean Beauchemin says there is a lot of activity with the site being built.

“All of the different containers with materials have come in. Hydro is coming in soon to start erecting hydro poles, water lines are being put in, so there’s lots going on,” he says.

Beauchemin says they have plenty of volunteers lined up, but there’s still a need for getting involved in the sign committee for example.

There are other opportunities, too.

“Approximately 80,000 people will be visiting the show, great opportunity to showcase your business, there’s still some exhibitor spots that are available,”  he says.

If you’re interested check out the event’s Facebook page or go to their website

Beauchemin says the Canadian Cow Girls equestrian team has been confirmed as part of the entertainment and there will be a Canadian Lumberjack show.

He says the complete schedule hasn’t been finalized yet so there’ll be more news the closer the event gets.

IPM 2019 goes September 17th-21st in Verner.


(Photo submitted)

Filed under: 2019 International Plowing Match and Expo, IPM 2019