The Nipissing Student Union’s Frosh Week is officially underway now that a flag raising has been held at city hall.

Sarah McGowan is vice president of communications at NUSU.

She says there are several events planned including teams competing in The Amazing Race,The Muddy Olympics, a beach Day and a shine day.

She says Frosh Week is all about getting incoming students used to the Nipissing University environment.

“It’s a great way for them to connect. They meet their new best friends, future roommates, future significant others. It’s a great way to make memories and a great way to relax before classes start to kick in,” she says.

McGowan says it’s also a great way to support the community.

Infact, over the last 20 years close to $500,000 has been raised in support of the fight against Cystic Fibrosis.

“We’ve raised $468,000 in the last 20 years. Part of that is with the Canadore Student Representative Council. We’ve done a good job in raising money every year. The city has welcomed us with open arms. The community’s been great and really supportive by helping to donate,” she says.

(photo by station staff)


Filed under: Frosh Week, Nipissing University, NUSU