A sign that popped up at the bottom of the Lakeshore overpass in North Bay at Lee Park has been removed by the city’s bylaw enforcement officer.

The anti-Liberal sign talked about corruption, but also said Ontario is “pro pipeline build Canadian refineries”.

Liberal candidate Anthony Rota says his campaign reported the sign to Elections Canada.

“Obviously a coward’s way of putting a statement out where they’re not taking responsibility of the statement they’re making'” he says.

Elections Canada says the Canada Elections Act doesn’t regulate content of campaign signs.

However, it says all partisan and election advertising must contain a ‘tagline’ stating who has authorized the message.

This wasn’t done with this sign.

Elections Canada says there’s no indication this can even by identified as a third party sign because they must have a name, telephone number and a physical or internet address on the sign.

In this case, it would need to adhere to the municipal bylaw, which it doesn’t so it was removed.


(Photo by station staff)

Filed under: 2019 Federal Election, Elections Canada