2019 was a big year for MP Anthony Rota.

Not only was he elected to a fifth term representing Nipissing-Timiskaming in Ottawa, he was elected Speaker on December 5th.

“This is actually the first time a member from Nipissing-Timiskaming, and the area, has been elected Speaker, actually the second time in Canadian history that it’s one from northern Ontario, so it’s quite the honour when your colleagues choose you,” he says.

Highlights for the riding include increased FedNor funding over the past four years with $35 million flowing to Nipissing-Timiskaming.

The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program being announced is another highlight.

“The jobs that need the special skills we can get them in here right away when we need them, not have to wait long term. The nice thing about that is it helps grow the population and we get better economic growth in the area,” Rota says.

As for 2020, there are a few priorities.

“Economic growth is the priority and there’s some social services, whether it’s seniors, children and families, that’s two of the areas that I really want to see changed over the next little while,” he says.

Challenges ahead include this being a minority government, but Rota says it seems like all parties want things to work well.

So will we see an election again in 2020?

“I think your guess is as good as mine,” Rota chuckled.


(File photo previously submitted)

Filed under: Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota