The first executive director of the North Bay & District Multicultural Centre is now an immigration consultant.

Don Curry has launched Curry Immigration Consulting.

He says he has already attracted six clients who need help on different immigration issues.

“Students who want to become permanent residents. I can do the paper work for them. If employers are looking for temporary or permanent workers I can do the paper work for them,” he says.

Curry says he expects to provide assistance to people overseas who wish to come to North Bay.

He likes what the city’s doing on immigration.

“The Mayor and council want to grow the city and immigration is a prime way to do it. This new Rural and Northern Immigration pilot is a great thing for the city as well,” Curry says.

He says he took 10 months of courses at the University of British Columbia to graduate with a certificate in immigration law, policies and procedures.

And then had to pass a three hour exam.

For more information on his business go to

(photo submitted by Dion Eng)

Filed under: Don Curry, immigration