Ontario Premier Doug Ford is pointing parents and students toward online learning resources while schools are closed due to COVID-19.
Ford says the “learn at home” online portal doesn’t replace school, but is meant to address parents’ concerns that kids will fall behind during this period.
The resources offer interactive activities for elementary students and a focus on STEM courses for high school students.
In an interview, Ford was asked by Rogers Radio North Bay what message he has people who aren’t taking this seriously.

“If we don’t this is going to continue to spread. It is absolutely critical that people don’t gather in large groups, they don’t go to places of worship and don’t end up in large gatherings at bars,” he says.

He also says the government will be announcing hydro bill details soon that will give people a break on electricity rates.

“They shouldn’t be punished. We’re going to be to be rolling that out in the next few days with a plan that we get off the off peak charges that we’ve seen and make life a little bit easier for people,” Ford says.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: COVID-19, Premier Doug Ford