Health officials say practice physical distancing by staying home and washing your hands are the two biggest things you can do to fight this pandemic.

But not everyone can do the first one because they provide an essential service and put themselves in harms way every day.

A North Bay woman, Robyn Johnson has started a facebook page North Bay Neighbourhood Cheer to support those people.

“The grocery store workers, the fire, the doctors, the nurses, the police and everybody who has to go to work. It’s also an inspiration for our kids,” she says.

She says her page started with two people and now they have 2,200 members.

Johnson told BayToday they always keep physical distancing in mind when they do their nightly cheer at 7:30.

She says it’s important to show unity at this time.

(submitted photo to BayToday)

Filed under: Neighbourhood Cheer, Robyn Johnson