Officials with the Near North District School Board say they understand this is a difficult time for everyone and they’re available to support families with the ‘Learn at Home’ progam, which launched last week.

Superintendent of Schools and Programs Tim Graves says they’ve connected electronically with the vast majority of families.

“For the most part the feedback that we have gotten has been good, but there have been people who have pointed out some challenges like not being able to connect, or some folks have said that their children are unable to engage in the work because of the various situations, and we need to be supportive and respectful when that happens,” he says.

Graves says the key for them is recognizing there are bumps and challenges along the way, but to make sure they’re listening.

“If families are finding the education piece stressful for whatever reason, we encourage them to reach out to their teacher or principal, we can find flexible ways to support them so this doesn’t need to be an added stress that is keeping people awake at night,” he says.

Graves says options to support learning for those without internet can vary by level, but can include hard copies of materials or other types of learning too.

“I’ve heard from a couple of teachers that some of our primary students are working on things like baking or we know one particular family told their teachers they’re working on a treehouse, and we know there’s a lot of mathematics and literacy in those activities,” he says.

Ontario’s schools are closed to students until at least May 4th because of COVID-19.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: COVID-19, Learn at Home, Near North District School Board