Two West Nipissing residents, ages 19 and 26, have been charged by the OPP with possession of property obtained by crime.

Police say a wallet was taken from an unlocked vehicle in West Nipissing on April 1st and a stolen credit card in that wallet was used to make purchases.

The 19 year old was also charged with fraud.

Police say video surveillance footage from a store on April 17th was key in identifying those responsible.


A 50 year old West Nipissing man has been charged with possession of proceeds of property obtained by crime and fraud.

Police say a customer at a bank left a card at an automated teller machine.

When the customer returned to retrieve the card it wasn’t there as it had been stolen.

The card was used before it was cancelled at several businesses.

After reviewing video evidence from the businesses police were able to identify the suspect.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: fraud, West Nipissing OPP