As mentioned last week, city council was looking at passing two motions which would if approved provide some financial stability for the Jack Garland Airport.

Both motions were supported Tuesday night.

One allows the board to use $400,000 earmarked for capital projects to go towards the day to day operation of the facility. The 2nd motion subsidizes the airport for the rest of the year at a maximum of $200,000.00 per

One councillor Mark King didn’t support the plan because he says it could cost the city around $1.5 million.

“When you start to put that figure in perspective and realize there are other challenges there will be a heck of a lot more money acquired in other areas,” he says.

The airport can’t use the money until it has exhausted their net cash reserves.

Councillor Dave Mendicino says the airport is critical infrastructure for North Bay.

“Airport staff and the board have done a great job at using already approved existing funds to carry them until approximately September. That gives us a few months to see where everything is. We”ll have a better picture in four or five months where we’re at,” Mendicino says.

Council also supported a motion from Councillor Chris Mayne calling for federal assistance.

He says there’s no specific amount being requested but the city does have other challenges and any funding would be well received.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Chris Mayne, Dave Mendicino, Jack Garland Airport North Bay, Mark King