Local officials say now is not the time to let our guard down.

On social media, North Bay Mayor Al McDonald points out the area has the lowest per capita rate of COVID-19 cases in Ontario.

But, he says it’s important to stay the course.

Meantime, the West Nipissing Emergency Control Group on COVID-19 says residents have done a great job in flattening the curve on the Coronavirus.

In a release, it says the district is doing well as residents are committed to physical distancing and the public health measures appear to be making a positive impact.

Mayor Joanne Savage says essential and front line workers as well as volunteers deserve plenty of credit for keeping the municipality running.

Still she says the risk of infection remains and vulnerable and older populations remain at risk so it’s important to be vigilant and keep physical distancing in mind.


(photo above courtesy BayToday.ca)

Filed under: COVID-19, north bay, West Nipissing