Cassellholme is reporting a positive case of COVID-19 was identified in a resident who has no symptoms.

This after all residents and staff were tested on Friday as part of proactive surveillance testing.

Officials say Ministry direction requires an outbreak be declared with a single lab confirmed case in a resident or staff member.

The resident and roommate have been moved to a special isolation unit.

In a release, Cassellholme says they continue to work closely with our local health authorities to ensure all measures are in place to protect staff and residents.

They say the risk of infection in the home remains low.

“There is no higher priority for us than the safety of our staff, residents, and families. Thank you for standing with us during this challenging time” said Jamie Lowery, Chief Executive Officer, in a release.

Actions taken to date:

o Residents and staff have been tested for COVID-19.
o An isolation unit has been established to care for residents with COVID 19.
o Temperature checks of residents are being taken two times a day.
o Staff screening occurs at the beginning and end of shifts, including temperature checks and all staff and essential visitors wear masks.
o Staff and residents are practising physical distancing within the home.
o All admissions to Cassellholme have been put on hold.
o Visitor restrictions have been in effect since the beginning of March.


On Friday, the Health Unit reported a 17th case of COVID-19 in the district with the person self-isolating.

Sixteen cases have been resolved.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: Cassellholme, COVID-19