This is Police Week and North Bay Police are asking residents to ramp up their personal crime prevention program.

They say it’s all about making yourself less of a target for criminals.

“Leading the Way to Safer Communities” is the theme.

Tips include:

Home Security
Making it a habit. Before you shut down for the night;
– Garage and sheds closed and locked
– Outdoor lights on
– Vehicles secure (car locked / bicycle locked and out of sight)
– Motion detection light vs security cameras

Vehicle Security
The North Bay Police Service is engaged in the “Lock it Or Lose It” program. Typically, a theft from a motor vehicle is a crime of opportunity where someone has neglected to properly secure their property.
– Roll up the windows, lock the doors, and secure the key.
– Do not store expensive items in a vehicle
– If it must be stored in a vehicle, to keep it out of sight of prying eyes and would-be thieves.

Bicycle Thefts
Use your smart phone or a camera and take a photo of the bike. Record the serial number so that if the bike is stolen, it can be identified if located by police. Police require accurate information to prove ownership and spending a few minutes to document something you spent hundreds of dollars on is a good use of time.
– Never leave your bike unlocked in public and use a high quality lock.
– Store your bike in a safe location at home either locked up or in a locked area.
– If you are leaving your bike unattended on the back of a vehicle, lock the bike to your vehicle.
– Never lock your bike by the front wheel only. Always lock your bike with two quality locks, one for each wheel and preferably a U-lock and a cable lock.

Fraud Prevention
The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre ( ) has information on all the scams currently victimizing Canadians.
Remember scammers use any method they can to contact you; mail, email, telephone, text messages, even door to door in some cases.
– Do not feel pressured to respond.
– Read emails, messages or websites looking for spelling mistakes in common words.
– Buy from companies or individuals that are known and check there reviews.
– Use a credit card when shopping online; many offer protection and may give you a refund. (you can call the customer service number on the back of your credit card)
– Regularly check your credit card statements for frequent or unknown charges. If you see something call your credit card company and report it.
– Take 5 – take 5 minutes to educate your choice
– Tell 2 – telling 2 people helps stop victimization (and have them tell 2).
When in doubt don’t.

People in Conflict
If you find yourself in conflict police and victim resources are available. The following link to our victim services section has information and contact numbers for you or a neighbour or loved one.

As Covid-19 restrictions lift look to our North Bay Police Service website for upcoming events such as Fraud Prevention Seminars, an Internet Safety for Parents Night and another Civilian Police Academy.

(File photo above by station staff)

Filed under: North Bay Police Service