EarlyON Child & Family Centres in Ontario including the one in North Bay have been physically closed since March but that doesn’t mean staff is not in contact with the families they serve.

Manager April Porter says they’ve been offering virtual programming since March including the provision of activity kits.

“Our last kit was our Sunflower kit. Our first one was a playdough kit. We’re now doing an obstacle course kit which we connect with Facebook so families can join in and show us what they’ve created,” she says.

She was asked about client reaction.

“It’s been very positive. We’ve gotten so much positive feedback. We started off with the playdough kit and we had 100 of them and our Sunflower kits went to 400,”Porter says.

She says they will be handing out kits at their Chippewa Street West location next Thursday for curbside pick up from 11:30-1.

For more information go to https://communitylivingnorthbay.org/services/ontario-early-years-centre-nipissing/

(logo supplied by EarlyON Child and Family Centre) )

Filed under: April Porter, EarlyON Centre