Nipissing University says ten research studies look to contribute to the recovery of the local community in the post-pandemic world.

Over $40,000 is coming from the province for the research.

The ten projects include:

  • Small and medium-enterprises during and after COVID-19: Northern Ontario Perspective by Dr. Anahit Armenakyan
  • Narratives of COVID-19 Survival in Northeastern Ontario by Dr. Reade Davis
  • Working together in an age of social distancing: Shelter and wrap-around supports for homeless people in North Bay, Ontario by Dr. Serena Kataoka
  • Mapping and assessing potential changes in the spatial distribution of criminal activities in the City of North Bay, Ontario, during the COVID-19 pandemic by Dr. John Kovacs
  • Business Coping Strategies through the COVID-19 Crisis by Dr. Denyse Lafrance Horning and Dr. John Nadeau (co-investigator)
  • Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Ontario Children’s Health Related Behaviours by Dr. Barbi Law and Dr. Brenda Bruner (co-investigator)
  • Community Service in a Time of Coronavirus: The Impact of COVID-19 on Volunteering and Experiential Learning in the Non-Profit Sector in North Bay and surroundings areas by Dr. Manuel Litalien and Dr. Natalya Brown (co-investigator)
  • The view from here”: The impacts of COVID-19 and associated social and physical distancing measures on the everyday conditions of life and care with adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)-Rural Ontario Case Study by Dr. Anna Przednowek
  • COVID-19 and the Centralization of Power by Dr. David Tabachnick
  • The impact of COVID-19 on final year nursing students’ perceived clinical preparedness and educational experience Dr. Veronika Williams, Dr. Tammie McParland (co-investigator) and Dr. Laurie Peachey (co-investigator)
Filed under: Nipissing University