It didn’t take long for the new city police E-Bikes to get an assist with an arrest.

On the same day the bikes were officially donated to police, two officers pulled over a vehicle on Main Street and charged the driver with impaired.

The E-bikes are equipped with police lights and a siren.

“Our officers continue to enforce driving related offences. This man is the 34th person charged with impaired driving this year. Looking at the first 5 months of 2020 compared to 2019 the police service’s impaired driving charges are up from 25 people charged in 2019 to 33 people charged in 2020,” says Deputy Chief Michael Daze.

“This increase in the number of people charged may be a result of the additional impaired related training police have received in the last two years. But what is unique about this charge is the fact that it is the first impaired related occurrence with police using the new E bikes to keep our streets safe,” says Chief Scott Tod.

(Photo above by station staff – photo below previously submitted)

Filed under: E-Bikes, North Bay Police Service