Nipissing University researchers are benefiting from a total of $755,000 in research grants.

Dr, Justin Carre is receiving a total of $395,000, Dr. Carly Dokis is getting $228,000 and Dr. Alison Schinkel-Ivy $120,000.

The funds are coming from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

grant details

Dr. Justin Carré, Associate Professor, Psychology and Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, has been awarded an NSERC Discovery Grant valued at $275,000 over five years for his study titled Neuroendocrinology of human social behaviour. He will also receive an additional $120,000 over three years through the Discovery Accelerator Supplements Program, which provides resources to established researchers who show strong potential to become international leaders within their field.

Dr. Alison Schinkel-Ivy, Assistant Professor, Physical and Health Education, received an NSERC Discovery Grant in the amount of $120,000 over five years for her research titled Towards an improved understanding of aging: Quantifying changes in movement during healthy aging using integrated biomechanical approach. Dr. Schinkel-Ivy will receive an additional one-year $12,500 supplement as part of the Discovery Launch Supplement program aimed at supporting early career researchers who are establishing their research program.

Dr. Carly Dokis, Associate Professor, Anthropology, received a SSHRC Insight Grant for Taking Care of Our Stories and will receive a total of $228,351 over five years. The work will be carried out in partnership with Randy Restoule of Dokis First Nation and Adrienne Dokis, director of the Dokis Museum.

The NSERC Discovery Grants program supports ongoing research programs with long-term goals while also allowing researchers to pursue promising high-risk, high reward topics and ideas.

The SSHRC Insight Grants program supports long-term research initiatives, enabling scholars to address complex issues about individuals and societies, and to further our collective understanding.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Nipissiing University, research grants