A few local groups have been awarded over $61,000 in grants from the federal Emergency Community Support Fund.

The North Bay and Area Community Foundation says the YMCA, PADDLE, The Symphony Society and Algonquin Nursing Home are receiving funding to support their efforts in serving vulnerable populations in the face of COVID-19.

“The YMCA is thrilled to receive funding support from the North Bay and Area Community Foundation for our Mobile Y which will focus on Digital Inclusion and Social Connections (DISC) for seniors in North Bay. This project will be work in partnership with Canadore College’s, The Village, the Alzheimer’s Society as well as Living Fit, to support the seniors in our community whom we know are keen to stay connected but can be limited by their knowledge and access to digital tools. The project promises to greatly assist seniors with social connection, which is critical to support mental health and quality of life and we see this as outreach that will be required well beyond the pandemic. We are working closely with our local health unit on new health and safety protocols and look forward to starting our first pilot group next month.” Nicole Beattie, Vice President Philanthropy, Marketing and Communications.

In our area, eligible organizations can still apply for grants of up to $40,000 until July 27th or our local allocation has been distributed.

The North Bay and Area Community Foundation is reviewing and awarding funding on a weekly basis to support projects that help ensure no one is left behind in COVID-19 recovery measures.

(Logo submitted)



Filed under: North Bay And Area Community Foundation