An online shared-benefit summer concert series is coming to Capitol Centre.

Officials say they’ve worked hard to showcase local musicians in their online concerts since the pandemic shutdown began, but they need to start generating revenue.

Executive Director Katina Connolly told a recent Facebook Live ‘Status Chat’ that they’ve had some layoffs and furloughs at the Capitol Centre.

“Because of ongoing government relief efforts and grants we have been able to manage with a smaller payroll those essential expenses and even minimal virtual programming efforts, but we will not be able to carry on this way forever,” she said.

Connolly says they will be relying heavily on revenue flow and donations as they look ahead to reopening.

For the shared-benefit summer concert series, which will take place on Facebook, the Capitol Centre will provide the venue and tech support for pre-recording the concerts with the artists providing the music.

They’ll both share any revenue from donations.

Connolly says that the positive connection they have with different arts groups and organizations in the community has been enhanced since the pandemic began.

“We’ve been able to partner a lot more with our local artists and musicians and it’s been very exciting to see, to be able to showcase them and work with them as a part of our virtual programming efforts,” she says.

Performers interested in being part of the Shared-Benefit Summer Concert Series are asked to send a short bio and live performance clip to

Meantime, WKP Kennedy Gallery Director/Curator Alix Voz says they’re looking to open mid-July.

“We’re not just going to open the doors freely, it will probably be by appointment, but then you get to have almost a private experience going through the gallery, so it’s going to be quite special, even though the building is going to be quiet it’s going to be a special moment in the gallery,” she told the recent Facebook Live ‘Status Chat”.

For ongoing updates and information check the Capitol Centre’s social media platforms or visit

(File photo above by station staff)

View the entire Capitol Centre Facebook Live ‘Status Chat’ below

Filed under: Capitol Centre North Bay