The North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the Toronto Region Board of Trade.

It created the Recovery Activation Program and President and CEO of the North Bay chamber Peter Chirico says it’s helping businesses by implementing digital solutions and the program is now being offered to chambers in smaller centres.

He says businesses have had to change the way they do business due to COVID-19 and its impact,

“Now it is more about preparing for the future should there be additional economic shutdowns due to COVID-19,” he says.

Chirico says the changes that businesses have instituted to deal with the new reality may be permanent.

“I would imagine that there’s going to be future announcements in the near future on returning. Issues like who is going back, who is staying home and who is going to work. I think our whole economy is transforming,” Chirico says.

He says if any chamber members are interested in the program they can contact the chamber office.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce, Peter Chirico, Recovery Activation Program, Toronto Board of Trade