The North Bay-Parry Sound District Health Unit has provided more information on the mandated use of face coverings when it takes effect next Friday.

The health unit says they must be worn in enclosed public spaces meaning indoor spaces of businesses, organizations, and services accessed by the public, including public transportation.

Face coverings should also be worn in other spaces be it indoor or outdoor where physical distancing is challenging or not possible.

Dr. Jim Chirico, Medical Officer of Health says now that we’re into stage three more businesses and public places will be open and so the risk of spreading COVID-19 increases.

And wearing a face covering is an added way to protect the people around you.

A face covering is a cloth face covering, or other face covering with preferably two layers of material that securely covers the nose, mouth, and chin and is in contact with the surrounding face without gapping in order to contain coughs, sneezes and respiratory spit and spray of the person wearing the face covering.

Face coverings such as a bandana, scarf, cloth, niqab or burka are not designed to filter air and do not have a number of layers; however they are a better alternative if a face covering is not available.

Meantime, the health unit stats there are no active long term care or retirement home outbreaks of COVID-19.

For more information on COVID-19 visit

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: COVID-19, face coverings, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit