Curb side service has been a success at the North Bay Public Library and will be continuing with the building remaining closed until at least early September.
“We still have interior re-construction taking place,” says Ravil Veli, Library CEO. “We may be ready to reopen around Labour Day.”
Even though phase three of the provincial COVID-19 reopening includes public libraries, the ongoing interior work at the library means requirements for physical distancing are not possible.
“We understand the public is eager for us to open,” said Veli, “but we will do so only when we are able to implement the necessary protocols for the safety of our staff, volunteers and patrons.”
Interior work includes installation of protective glass barriers in public service areas and plexiglass partitions in staff work areas.
Enhanced cleaning protocols have been implemented and a full cleaning of the facility will be needed once all interior construction is complete.
Veli says they’ve been pleasantly surprised with the community response to curb side service.
“A steady uptake, we have a lot of repeat customers now and most of the people who come to the door are so delighted that the service is available and that they can get the books and materials that they like, that they’ve been doing without for so long during the COVID crisis,” he says. “The system we have in place ensures minimal, to no, direct contact with patrons and returned materials are quarantined for 72 hours before being put back into circulation.”
Planning is also underway on how the library will operate once the doors do re-open, with tight spaces in the older building, and how people will navigate through the facility.
Curb side service launched the first week of June.
Veli says it will continue even after they re-open for those that may not be comfortable coming in to the library.

(file photo by Jeff Turl BayToday)

Filed under: curb side, North Bay Public Library