A special treat for local front-line emergency and healthcare workers from the North Bay Battalion.

Defenceman Simon Rose, GM Adam Dennis and Assistant Coach Scott Wray brought fire fighters, police officers and hospital workers ice cream on Tuesday.

Rose tells BayToday it’s important to give back to the community.

“It’s really good to be involved in the community especially in times like this, come out and thank everyone for doing what they’re doing, front-line workers are important,” he says.

“Police officers and fire fighters they’re a team in their own right they have to stick together and work together and it’s really important that we help each other out, we’re three big teams in the community and we want to make sure we’re supporting one another,” Dennis tells BayToday.

They rode Bay Street’s Treats bikes to bring the treats to the front-line workers.


(Photos courtesy BayToday.ca)

Photo courtesy BayToday.ca
Filed under: Bay Street's Treats, North Bay Battalion, North Bay Fire and Emergency Services, North Bay Police Service, North Bay Regional Health Centre