City Council has awarded a $120,000 contract for a female change room at the Waste Water treatment plant on Memorial Drive.

Chair of Community Services Councillor Johanne Brousseau says there isn’t one now but there is for the men.

“It’s common practice for the employees after their shift to shower and change before they go home. And now all employees will be able to enjoy that benefit,” she says.

Brousseau was asked if she’s surprised there’s no female change room.

“I was surprised there isn’t a change room for the women to change in. I will make it a personal project to ensure that all the facilities in the city that have amenities for men will also have them for women,” Brousseau says.

The staff report says there are an increasing number of female operators working at the facility and it’s important the city provide the same access to services for all employees.

Construction of the change room is expected to be finished by late in the year.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: female change room, Johanne Brousseau