The annual Shinerama campaign hosted by the Nipissing University Student Union is taking on a different look this year.

They’re moving online to and are encouraging people to wash their own vehicles, share a photo and a fact about Cystic Fibrosis and donate to the cause.

It’s called the “Shine Your Ride for CF” campaign.

“It was a tough decision but we felt it would be the best for everyone involved if we moved everything online. The North Bay community has always been phenomenal helping us raise money for Cystic Fibrosis and so we know this year will be no different”, said Mykayla King, NUSU VP Advocacy & Awareness.

“We know that many charities and nonprofit organizations are struggling to raise funds and so we are hoping that our efforts online will help support CF Canada”, said Sarah McGowan, NUSU Director of Communications. “Since 1992 we have raised $479,596.41 so we are hoping this year gets us closer to that $500,000 mark.” 

NUSU has also partnered with The Studio to host an online Zumba event on Saturday, September 5th at 7 pm.

This is open to everyone and donations to CF Canada are welcomed.

To register for Zumba and donate to NUSU’s Shine campaign go to


(Photo submitted: Warren Lindsay (NUSU Director of Services) and Hannah Mackie (NUSU President) pictured at the Nipissing pond)

Filed under: Nipissing University Student Union, Shine Your Ride for CF, Shinerama