It’s been an interesting few months for a city choir.

The 15 person North Bay Rock Choir got together before COVID-19 but weren’t able to perform together in person and instead did a lot of virtual singing together.

Founder Heather Smith says she’s glad things are changing.

“When North Bay started to gradually open up and gatherings of ten were allowed we started to meet in an empty parking lot. We gave ourselves lots of distance and we would sing,” she says.

Smith says she got the idea to form the group after seeing the Muskoka Rock Choir.

She says they perform a lot of inspirational songs.

“With We Shall Overcome we wanted to send a message of hope to North Bay that we can lean on each other and get through this. We also wanted to go some fun pieces like Walking On Sunshine and also Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow by Fleetwood Mac,” she says.

She says they can now do more in person events now that we’re into stage three of reopening.

Smith says they mainly sing for family and friends but have started to get some gigs at a 90th birthday party and a wedding as well.

You can check out the choir by going to North Bay Rock Choir’s facebook page (

(photo submitted by North Bay Rock Choir)

Filed under: North Bay Rock Choir