A motion by North Bay City Councillor Mark King to get a staff report three quarters of the way through the year on year end financial projections was defeated at last night’s council meeting.

He says it’s important to get the most up to date information on the impact of COVID-19 on the economy so the city can plan for the next two years.

“This would give councillors the opportunity to speak to staff about what is actually happening on the ground. This is the most important thing that we can do in this term of council,” he says.

Budget Chief Tanya Vrebosch says council does get a report every three months on the latest financial information.

“The September information comes in around the same time of year we work on the operating budget and the special committee meetings start. Given the timing and processes already in place, the motion appears to be redundant and overlaps with our standard practices,” Vrebosch says.

King says that report is noted and filed and not sent to committee.

Meantime, Vrebosch says because of COVID-19 there won’t be an in person budget open house this year. You can e mail suggestions though to 2021Budget@cityofnorthbay.ca.

Vrebosch says she is looking at approving the capital and operating budgets by December 8th and 21st respectively.

The budget will also be part of a town hall event on zoom on September 10th.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Mark King, operating budget, Tanya Vrebosch