City Hall generic


One of the reports on tonight’s council agenda involves the city and Granite Club’s bid for the 2018 Women’s world curling event at Memorial Gardens.

Specifically, a staff recommendation is the city provide a grant, by way of a loan of up to $129,000 should the bid committee not realize funding from third parties.

The report goes on to says if no grants or additional grants are accessed, the committee has agreed to forfeit to the City its share of the gross ticket sales, which have been conservatively estimated at $105,000.

They were agreed to be split by the city, via Memorial Gardens and the Granite Club for hosting the event.

The report says the site selection will be finalized by the end of October.

Meantime, a couple of councillor motions are also on the agenda for tonight’s (Monday) regular council meeting.

One is on campgrounds while the other involves the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission.

In camera items include a report on labour relations.