City police report a number of crime stats saw decreases in June and July compared to the year before.
Deputy Chief Michael Daze pointed to drops in robberies, break, enters and thefts, stolen vehicles and bikes and theft under $5,000 charges.
He says there could be a number of reasons, but they did refresh some programs this year.
“Foot patrol or bike patrol program and they were very active throughout those months, not just patrolling the downtown area, but patrolling different neighbourhoods and responding to calls. That’s a program we’re going to continue with,” he says.
He says they’re proactive programs and they’ll continue to monitor the data.
“Some of the year to date numbers are consistent but some of the programs we’ve introduced are really getting back to the grassroots,” he says. “Being visible and being available seemingly have had an impact through June and July.”
Sexual offences and assaults were also down in the monthly crime stats report.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: crime stats, Michael Daze, North Bay Police