Chris Mayne - Council Capsule Water Meter rates was the big topic on Council Capsule this morning with Matthew Sookram.

He was joined by City Councillor Chris Mayne to talk about the implementation date of September 1st. There was a motion to hold back that start date until January or even possibly March, but he says proceeding right now is the responsible thing to do.

Mayne says while some people will see an increase in their water bills, it will be a matter of making lifestyle changes in order to see some savings. He uses an example where city staff can see the consumption rates of a senior resident.

Mayne says now everyone has a chance to be thoughtful and manage their water consumption.

The redevelopment of Cassellholme could see the facility moved downtown. We learned that from Chris Mayne as well on Council Capsule. Mayne says they could rebuild at the current site on Olive Street in a phased in process, which would cost $60-million.

However, Mayne says research shows there are potential benefits to moving downtown.

Mayne says a consulting firm will bring back a report at the end of September to show the true value of such a move.

In the meantime, there will be one major business moving downtown and that’s the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce, who are moving from their Seymour Street location to Main Street. He says this is a good decision for the Chamber.