There are changes to the Invest North Bay board.

After an in camera session at last night’s regular meeting, Council reappointed six people to the board for their one year terms that end May 31st and thanked four outgoing members for their service, including Canadore President George Burton.

Councillor Dave Mendicino says they gave of their time to grow the city and deserve thanks.

“A big thank you to George Burton for chairing Invest North Bay for all these year and thanks to Jody Joyal, Vicky Paine-Mantha and Caleb O’Connor for volunteering their time and service to Invest North Bay,” he said.

Deputy Mayor Tanya Vrebosch echoed the sentiment.

There’s no financial incentive for anybody to do this, this is taking time out of their busy days. These are all very heavy hitting people within our community that have a lot of connections that were doing this to try to grow the city with us, thank you to them and thank you to those that are staying on,” she said.

Steve Deacon, George Flumerfelt, Larry Fuld, Jonathan Muterera, Rob Suppa and Tiz Silveri were reappointed to the board in last night’s vote.

Mayor Al McDonald, Councillor Dave Mendicino, Councillor Marcus Tignanelli and city CAO David Euler are also current members of the board.

Filed under: City of North Bay, Invest North Bay