Behind the scenes work continues on the OHL Return to Play for December 1st.

North Bay Battalion officials say the League has announced training camps will begin November 15th with exhibition games the weekends of November 20-22 and 27-29th.

The OHL also says efforts are ongoing with government and health agencies to plan the safe return of OHL action while also finalizing outstanding issues like safe attendance at venues and cross border travel for teams.

“The announcement today is another important step toward our ultimate goal of competitive hockey returning to Memorial Gardens,” said Adam Dennis, the Battalion’s general manager.

“The league has put a lot of work into getting to this point, and we’re all aware of the steps that still need to be taken to achieve that goal. We’ll continue to work diligently to get our team and facility prepared for the proposed dates and plan to hit the ground running come November.”

The 2019-20 regular season was ended prematurely on March 12, after which the OHL playoffs and Memorial Cup competition were cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Photo by Aaron Bell/OHL Images

Filed under: North Bay Battalion, OHL Return to Play