Nipissing-Timiskaming has received $48-million dollars from Ottawa since last Fall to support businesses, municipalities and community organizations, create jobs, and respond to the COVID-19 crisis.
MP Anthony Rota says among other things the investments have been used to build and renew roads and bridges, improve transit services, support employers and expand business development and growth in the riding. Other grants and contributions have gone to support COVID relief efforts that help people who are homeless or experiencing food insecurity, municipalities that must deliver critical public services, and more.
“COVID-19 represents a serious health threat that has dominated the headlines and affected our lives on a global, national and local level since the World Health Organization declared a pandemic six months ago,” says Rota. “As we safely and gradually restart the economy and resume our everyday activities, it’s a good time to highlight the many other things that have being going on in the background.”
The Government of Canada commitments have included:
– $7.5 million from FedNor, the regional economic development agency for Northern Ontario, for manufacturing, innovation technology and expansion-related initiatives, such as:
– New Ontario Brewing Company for the craft brewer to expand operations and production, and explore export opportunities;
– Four projects at Canadore College to foster innovation, research and development, and assist local businesses to create PPE products;
– The North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce to implement the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot that matches skilled immigrants with businesses facing labour shortages; and
– Mining products and services companies Drillco, Resolution Machining and Miller Technology to enhance productivity, purchase specialized equipment and bring products to market.
– A combined $17.5 million in transit improvements, bridges and roads projects in seven communities through the Investing in Canada plan.
– A record $1.4 million delivered through Canada Summer Jobs. More than 200 participating employers in the riding have created 250-plus jobs for youth aged 15-30.
– More than $6.5 million under Phase 1 of the Safe Restart Agreement to help 16 municipalities with operating costs so they can deliver essential services like public transit and put safety measures in place.
– $13.6 million through the National Housing Co-Investment Fund for a 68-unit seniors apartment complex now under construction in Temiskaming Shores. The development will include a mix of affordable and market rent units.
– A special COVID-19 relief allocation of almost $300,000 under the national homelessness strategy, Reaching Home, for the district social services board’s low-barrier shelter.
– Funding through Agriculture and Agri-food for the Gathering Place to support its food rescue efforts and for area food banks and related programs which have seen demand increase due to the pandemic.
– $120,000 from the Indigenous Community Support Fund – $100,000 to Temagami First Nation to assist off-reserve members and $20,000 to K’Tigaaning Midwives for a garden project that focuses on helping parents with home schooling and outdoor activities.
– New Horizons for Seniors grants for community organizations such as Le Centre culturel ARTEM and the Near North Palliative Care Network to help seniors manage the impact of the pandemic and maintain support networks.
– Temporary relief for heritage and cultural organizations like the Little Claybelt, Cobalt Mining and North Bay museums through Canadian Heritage’s Emergency Support Fund.

“COVID-19 has created a lot of challenges but we are not going to let these difficult times define us,” said Rota. “There are examples of businesses which are not only weathering the effects but are expanding because of their ability to adapt and innovate.
“Charities and non-profits have found new and creative ways to keep helping those in need. To all of you, I want to acknowledge the important work you do, celebrate your successes, and say thank you,” he said.
“I have often said the true strength of our riding is its people. We are resilient and well positioned for moving past this pandemic and into the recovery phase. Together, we will go on to build a stronger economy, stronger and healthier communities, and better lives.”

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: FedNor, Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota