The province has announced a new colour-coded system to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic at a regional level.
The green-prevent level with the lightest restrictions is for regions with the lowest case counts and community transmission.
One of those regions is ours.
As the case counts rise, restrictions are tightened to the yellow-protect, orange-restrict and red-control levels, with the grey lockdown level as a measure of last resort.
Premier Doug Ford says the new framework will provide residents and businesses with a clear understanding of where their region stands and why stronger restrictions might be needed.
The new system takes effect on Saturday.
He says the system goes into effect when restrictions previously placed on the hot spots of Toronto, Peel Region and Ottawa will ease.
Health officials say those three regions, as well as York Region and the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, are all expected to be placed in the new system’s orange category, which puts capacity limits on gyms, indoor restaurant dining and cinemas but allows them to operate.

(files from Canadian Press)

(photo courtesy Canadian Press)

Filed under: COVID-19, Premier Doug Ford