(Left to Right) Major Shawn Guilbault. Colonel Henrik Smith, Major Chris Horner. Photo credit: Corporal Robert Ouellette, 22 Wing Imagery Technician.
(Left to Right) Major Shawn Guilbault. Colonel Henrik Smith, Major Chris Horner.
Photo credit: Corporal Robert Ouellette, 22 Wing Imagery Technician.


A change of command for 51 Aerospace Control and Warning (Operational Training) Squadron.

Ceremonies were held on Thursday with Major Chris Horner relinquishing command to Major Shawn Guilbault.

22 Wing/CFB North Bay Commander, Colonel Henrik Smith presided over the ceremony witnessed by members of 51 AC&W (OT) Sqn, 22 Wing and local dignitaries.

Major Guilbault says, “I am truly honoured and privileged to take command of 51 Aerospace Control & Warning (Operational Training) Squadron. It is a great opportunity to be working with such professional aviators as we train the future control and surveillance experts of the Royal Canadian Air Force.’’

Meantime, 51 Aerospace Control &Warning (OT) Squadron Honorary Colonel Tom Hedican says, “I wish Major Horner every success as he moves forward in his career. His mentorship, guidance and leadership have made this an outstanding personal experience. You are a true leader and will be missed by our community.”