beer mugsWith a big hockey game on tap tonight (Monday), North Bay Police are out with a few reminders about being responsible when drinking.

Chicago can win the Stanley Cup with a game 6 victory tonight. The Blackhawks lead the NHL Final 3 games to 2 over the Tampa Bay Lightning.

City police remind people that when consuming alcohol in high quantities, they are prone to high risk behaviours than can lead to motor vehicle collisions, violence and crime.

In terms of public intoxication, police say it’s important to know the law.

They say under Section 31 (4) of Ontario’s Liquor Licence Act, no person shall be in an intoxicated condition:

a)    in a place to which the general public is invited or permitted access; or

b)    in any part of a residence that is used in common by persons occupying more than one dwelling in the residence.

Police also remind people NOT to drink and drive.

Residents are encouraged to plan ahead by getting a designated driver, taking a taxi or using public transportation.


North Bay Police logoMeantime, North Bay Police responded to 209 calls for service on the weekend.

10 people were charged with a variety of offences, including public intoxication, breaches, driving under suspension, possession of marijuana, domestic assault and possession of methamphetamine pills.