Tasers 1
Constable Steve Sproule demonstrates the Conducted Energy Weapon.

There’s been an upgrade to Conducted Energy Weapons, and the North Bay Police force will be using them very soon.

Use of Force Instructor John Cook says the newer model has better technology which makes it safer and easier to handle for the officers.

This new weapon has better technology and is less likely to discharge according to Cook.



Cook says an officer can fire two probes as opposed to just one, and it is less likely to miss its target. He adds they will have a 12 hour course for officers who have not been trained before in the use of a CEW.

Tasers 2
Constable John Cook talks about the new CEW with North Bay Police Services Board

Those who have used an older model will go through a six hour refresher course.

written by matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com