water tap2

Council will look to stick with the exact same payment rate City Staff have been suggesting since the beginning.

The Water Meter Rate payments were discussed again last night (Monday) at City Council, with staff proposing a 60-fixed-40-variable split cost.

Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette moved that proposal forward to the council level.

Forgette says he likes this recommendation the most, because it is the easiest transitioning recommendation.



Not everyone on his committee agreed with that proposal, although Councillor Derek Shogren was in favour of it because there were some adjustments made.

Shogren says added to the proposal is the ability to have online billing. He was asked if there was a cost savings to that model.



Shogren says that will be worked out in the final recommendation, which will be voted on next Monday.

Mayor Al McDonald was not in favour of moving the proposal forward. He says it’s not as close as it can be to being fair for everyone.

McDonald adds the parameters surrounding staff’s recommendation were not created by this council, or the last council.



Written by matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com