Fedeli - wind turbine meetingA couple of weeks ago Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. had announced they were no longer pursuing a wind farm project in Mattawa.

They still have a proposal to build one in Merrick Township, and that was part of the topic for Tuesday night’s Town Hall meeting, hosted by MPP Vic Fedeli.

Fedeli says Hydro prices in Ontario have gone up over the last three years and he says it’s because of the Green Energy Act.

He adds it won’t help bring jobs to Ontario’s economy.  He says for every one job created by the Green Energy Act, 2 to 4 jobs are lost in other industries.

About 100 residents showed up to Tuesday night’s meeting and Fedeli says that’s an encouraging sign. He says he’s been fighting wind turbines for four years as he was the Energy Critic.

Fedeli says it’s the same battle only now it’s in our backyard.

Written by matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com