Back row, l to r: WCWO Halpin; HCol Clark; HCol Madigan; HCol Cook
Front row, l to r: Col Smith, Commander 22 Wing CFB North Bay; Peter Handley; HCol Burton; Dave Saad

Peter Handley is being “honoured” May 26th at the inaugural Honourary Colonels Fundraising Roast.

Handley has a long history of community involvement, including over 40 years in local media, he’s a founding member of the North Bay Sports Hall of Fame, spent nine years as a city councillor and is involved in numerous community, regional and provincial organizations.

The revenues from this event will assist the Honorary Colonels at 22 Wing provide support for a number of annual military events.

When informed that he was to be the first honouree, Handley commented, “I am most pleased to be “honoured” as the first person the Honorary Colonels will be roasting. Our family has strong ties to the military, as our son in law, Major Leo Phillips, was quite involved with the establishment.”

“Those who are able to attend will be adding to our efforts as Honorary Colonels to support our military and their families,” said HCol Burton. “We are most pleased to have Mr. Handley as our inaugural honouree and we thank him for his participation. It will be a fun night and will provide financial support for many worthwhile community based military projects.”

The event will be held at the Davedi Club on Thursday, May 26 starting at 6 p.m. Tickets to this events are $50 each will include a full Italian dinner and a lot of laughs.

Tickets will be available through Dave Saad, Organizing Committee Chair 705-472-7041; Bill Jacko, Committee Member 705-476-1421; HCol Burton 705-474-7600 ext. 5232; HCol Hedican 705-476-1932; HCol Madigan 705-495-4045; HCol Clark 705-476-5044 and HCol Cook 705-303-7224.