City Council is one step away from bringing in new ice rental rates.

If passed in two weeks, the increases would take effect in April of 2018, not in September of this year, as originally proposed.

Managing Director of Community Services John Severino says that’s not the only change.

He says they’re also proposing the number of different ice rental categories be reduced from 8 to 4 and prime time hours would kick in an hour earlier at 4 pm.

Usually, there is an automatic 3 % increase every year, but these rates go beyond that.

Chair of Community Services Councillor Mark King says council has a choice, to either pass on the cost of operating the three city arenas to the users or the taxpayers, and he’s choosing the users.

Interestingly, three members of King’s committee did not support the motion to move the recommendation along for a council vote.

Two of them cited high increases.

Filed under: ice rental rates, John Severino, Mark King