Route planning wrapping up on Hwy 17E Fourlaning
by richard.coffin on June 23, 2017, 07:06am. EST
Planning is wrapping up on the future Highway 17 East fourlaning between North Bay and Mattawa.
In fact, MTO Media and Issues Advisor Lara Cantin says route planning is done on the first two stages of the plan.
That includes the stretch from North Bay to Bonfield, and the second phase from Bonfield to Highway 630.
“The last portion, Highway 630 to east of Mattawa, we’re still in the process of developing route alternatives. There will an upcoming Public Information Centre to be held later this year,” she says.
Even though the route planning is done for the first two stages, that doesn’t mean construction will happen anytime soon.
“The project is not currently funded for construction. Typically these route planning studies are done anywhere from 10 to 20 years in advance of construction,” Cantin says.
The new fourlaned highway route runs south of where the current roadway is from North Bay to about Dube Road, where it would cross to the north of the existing Highway 17.
It then ventures back south of the current highway near Maple Road.
A new 11/17 interchange would also be a few kilometres south of North Bay.