Mining Week

This week is Mining Week in North Bay, where different businesses and organizations have helped spread the word about the mining industry.

During this week, the Mining Week Committee has organised some events including an art exhibit that’s open all week.

Suzanne Lafontaine, the Chair of Mining Week, says the exhibit is free at the W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery and will feature paintings, pictures, rock samples and more.

Other events include a networking event, a luncheon, and a free movie.

However, Lafontaine says the headline of the week is the Ring of Fire Roundtable this Thursday. Tickets for the roundtable are $5 and there is limited seating.

Guests include Vic Fedeli, Alan Coutts, Chris Hodgson, Roy Slack and David Paul Achneepineskum.

For more information on other events or to reserve your tickets head to