Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli announced over $543 ,000 in funding for the North Bay Indian Friendship Centre today to hire two people to help with finding affordable housing in the community

. He says the positions are for 36 months and they’ll facilitate affordable housing opportunities for clients at the Friendship Centre.

He says it’s important there’s a plan in place so that everybody has a place to live.

The Executive Director of the North Bay Indian Friendship Centre is Kathy Fortin.

She says the funds will help the friendship centre and the community as a whole.

She says they’ll be working with D-SAAB and Low Income People Involvement to end homelessness in the North Bay area.

She says they have people who are incarcerated and look for a place to live when they get out but often aren’t aware of how to go about doing that and this money will certainly make a difference in helping those people.

Filed under: funding, MPP Vic Fedeli, North Bay Indian Friendship Centre