Anthony Rota


2015 saw Anthony Rota elected back to Parliament Hill.

That’s the big highlight for the Nipissing-Timiskaming MP.

The Liberals and leader Justin Trudeau won a majority government in the October election.

Rota went from losing by 18 votes in 2011 to winning by nearly 11,000 this time around.

Meantime, he says challenges include the economy.

Rota says he has also met with business.

Meantime, there have been discussions involving 22 Wing CFB North Bay as well.

As for priorities for 2016, Rota says they include infrastructure.

He says that includes everything from roads to bridges and will create jobs.

Rota also expects the budget will be delivered in February or March and will provide more details on the governments plans on making life better for the middle class and help those looking to move up to the middle class.