The city’s arena committee has ruled out the Pinewood Park Drive and the West Ferris Arena as options for a new ice pad facility for North Bay.

The Committee has narrowed down the choices to behind Memorial Gardens and the Omischl Complex.

Community Services Committee chair Mark King says the West Ferris idea was rejected due to cost of an estimated $10 million.

“The roof itself would have to be rebuilt. There would have to be work on the foundation and major improvements would be needed in the dressing room area.”
King says there was a similar story with the Pinewood Park Drive area proposal as it would cost an estimated $4 million to extend city services to make that possible.

King says there’s support for a double ice pad proposal.

“We have given direction and the committee supports a double pad project strictly because of the financial nature of it and the fact that it could generate more revenue.”
King says a final decision could come as soon as the October 25th meeting and that recommendation on which site should be accepted would be passed on to council.

Filed under: West Ferris Arena