This is YMCA Peace Week and there’s plenty of events on the go.

Vice President of Children’s Services Jacqueline Grube says the week is all about helping area residents reflect on peace, talk and take action.

“Peace Week provides an opportunity for the YMCA and the community to take a moment in time and give back to our community and highlight some of the importance of peace and to celebrate and be thankful for our local peacemakers and the noble acts that they are doing,” she says.

Peace Medals are being presented to Ralph Diegel and Abigail Tanner today (Monday).

There’s also a Yoga For Peace event Wednesday and the Walk In The Shoes of Someone Else event Friday.

“We’re asking all children, youth and adults to dare to wear the oddest pair of shoes to bring awareness of the importance of peace wihtin the community,” she says.

The YMCA is looking to share random acts of kindness on social media and inviting the community in to their facility on Chippewa Street to post a message of peace on their huge Peace Tree.

They’re also collecting donations of personal hygiene products for the North Bay Crisis Centre all week and Rotary Club’s Shelterbox will be set up at the YMCA.

For more information check out their website HERE.

Filed under: YMCA Peace Week