Workplace Safety North has seen an increase in interest in their training programs and services when it comes to violence and harassment in the workplace.

This as Labour Ministry stats involving workplace harassment complaints have doubled since provincial anti-violence legislation was expanded to include sexual harassment.

The bill was expanded in September 2016.

The program itself focuses very specifically on policy and procedure development, as well as risk assessment and assists firms with guidance on implementation in the workplace,” says Tom Welton, Industrial Director at Workplace Safety North.

He says since the legislation was expanded, their programming was updated too.

With high profile sexual assault harassment incidents of late, the issue has really come to the forefront.

“It has, definitely,” he says “one key part is that it’s great to have policies and procedures developed, but it’s important that both workers and supervisors and everyone in the workplace is trained in knowing that the policies and procedures are in place in the workplace, and how to utilize them,” he says.

According to the province, in the first 10 months following Bill 132, from September 8, 2016, to June 30, 2017, the Ministry of Labour received 4,935 calls regarding workplace harassment, including sexual harassment.

The calls resulted in 2,133 harassment complaints, including 156 specific to sexual harassment.
Compared to the same time frame the previous year, this is a 136 per cent increase in harassment complaints, (from 903 to 2,133); and a 114 per cent increase in sexual harassment complaints, (from 73 to 156).

Officials say it’s important to keep in mind that many cases of workplace harassment and sexual harassment are never reported.

Welton says one part of the risk assessment includes potential external issues.

“If your work location is located in an area where there may be a high crime rate, there may be the possibility of violence or harassment from external to the workplace, which could affect the workplace as well,” he says.

To learn more contact Workplace Safety North at 1-888-730-7821 or check out