Several Janey Avenue residents have cited safety concerns in opposition to a rezoning proposal which could pave the way for a 71 lot development.

Neighbours presented several concerns this week including the impact of the environment and demand for more housing should it take place but the major one was for the safety of the area.

Tara Blake is one of the neighbours.

She says an intersection would be part of the development if council gives the rezoning approval and that means an accident is waiting to happen.

“It’s not safe for pedestrian traffic let alone when you include buses in that turn and any sort of condition that changes.”
Rick Miller speaks for the developers Janey Avenue Inc and Ski Ridge Estates.

“The city has requested we bring in a 3rd party traffic engineer to review the design of the intersection and recommend additional improvements to be made.”

The rezoning proposal was not moved forward by the council committee but is still on the committee file.


Filed under: development, Janey Avenue, rezoning